Friday, November 6, 2009

Hi everybody here!

Hi everybody here!
It's nice day today, don't you think? And the world is such a wonderful place to walk around through.

I, MarHaj, Jumi grandfa, has decided to visit another places. I am leaving Jumi project these days. My current business, leadership coaching and training, needs more of my attention.

It was good time with Jumi since 2006 when Jumi was born.

Since those time Jumi obtained many many awards in JED. I will not list them here, it coudl be boring for you.

Jumi was downloaded form Jumi site 212.582 times, 136.145 of which makes downloads for Joomla! 1.5.

We developers, Ed and me, supported with fun and joy Jumi related issues in this forum - you will find more of 2.000 posts there.
And I think our users enjoyed it very well too.
Special thanks to he who contributes to Jumi code:
* Max Vlasov, who invented, proposed and coded Jumi plugin nesting possibility. Great idea, simple to implement!
* KatGirl, Joomla! forum member, who notifies me about a $ bug in a plugin. It occurred to be Joomla bug).
* Ben-work, Joomla! forum member, who solved $ bug.
* Rudolf Polzer from who notified me about the benefits of implementing absolute pathnames into Jumi.
* Fritz Elfert at who gave me a lot of thoughts material. I have used some of his ideas in Jumi already, others are still on our wish-list.

And the biggest thank to all of you, loyal Jumi users! Without you Jumi would be nothing...

Jumi project will be lead by Ed. Everybody, I think, knows him. He is the inventor and developer of
Jumi component. Ed is a developer of other Joomla! extension too. I do not know how he does that he does it well be he does. So I am not afraid about Jumi. It is in the best hands I can imagine. Definitely. I am 100% sure.

I am sure too that Ed will welcome with smile from ear to ear any developer or supporter he could lend him a hand. Is there anybody here? Just decide if it stands for some time to have a fun and enjoy yourself with Jumi.

Thanks for your attention. And bear in mind, that
... the world is such a wonderful place to walk around through!

Sincerely Yours MarHaj
P.S.: you will find all Jumi materials and files at Ed's pages from know. Update your links, please.

Friday, May 15, 2009


From time to time I am surprised (see right) what code wizards can do with Jumi.

The last but not the least example is site.

Look through it via the top menu. Everything (well except the font enlarger/minimizer) non standard in the site has been developed by Djemmers (geek code name) and delivered into it via Jumi. A really great bunch of things!

Examples? Here you have got it:
  • Logo's in header with link to db,
  • module "in de databank",
  • module "Nieuwste toernooien",
  • module "Niewste kampen",
  • module "login/register" in the header,
  • page Events,
  • page Zoek events,
  • page Toevoegen,
  • page Geschiedenis.
As I said I did not understand how he had accomplished all these things but the results made to cry out


Friday, April 3, 2009

PreEaster Jumi Surprise - 2.1 is coming

New Jumi 2.1 is going to be released on April 7th.
It will be available for downloads from standard place.

Jumi 2.1 brings
  1. more security (available only from Joomla! 1.5.8),
  2. more flexibility,
  3. more possibilities.
1. Security
Jooma! 1.5.8 have introduced so called black/white list.
Jumi 2.1 uses this feature and Jumi plugin will not be shown if article author is on the blacklist or is not on whitelist.

2. Flexibility
Jumi plugin has got new syntax:
(jumi source_code}written_code{/jumi}
This syntax enables (with accompanying new editor-xtd plugin Jumicoder) to write codes directly into Joomla!. So now you have got three possibilities how to include the code via Jumi plugin: from a Jumi component database table, from a file or directly.

3. Possibilities
  • In Joomla! pdf representation of the articles Jumi code is rendered now. From RSS feeds it is totally sripped out (not visible).
  • Jumi plugin code can also be included into section and category descriptions now.
  • Jumi module and plugin have got so called "debug mode". If debug mode is to Off then No Jumi internal error messages will be shown in the frontend. You will see nothing instead (in place of custom code). Good for your visitors!
There are another minor changes and improvements there coming mainly from your, Jumi users, wishes.

We are not sure how Joomla! community will welcome all these - as we think positive - changes. So we decided to release Jumi 2.1 as a beta from the very beginning. But be sure we have tested it for several month and we are almost sure you will not encounter any security problem or a big bug there. Should you encounter any will you be so kind and report it to us? For example in Jumi thread at Joomla! forum. Thank you in an advance.

And, by the way, happy EASTER to all of you!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

How to become successful developer in less then 5 minutes

Miracle? Not really. In this article I will show you how to.

Just follow these five steps:
1) Find at Joomla! Extension Directory some succesfull extension. For example Jumi module 1.2.0, Jumi plugin 1.2.1 (or JBookmarks or Google map plugin or something like this).
2) Download the extension.
3) In the downloaded files substitute all information about the author and extension name and its version by yours.own ones. No need to change anything else. For example change Jumi to JRool (or JBookmarks to JShare or Google map to JMap). Choosing the eye catching name is the most difficult task in this kind of the "development".
4) Publish the extension in JED and your pages.
5) Be proud to your hard work.

You are saying it is unethical? That it is code robbery?
Bah! Who cares? is successful developer of JRool, JShare and JMap.
I bet it took them less them 5 minutes to achieve this highly wanted peak.

The same happened with GTranslate: Pradhan Manish "developed" Automatic Google Translator V2, which is actually modified GTranslate, I asked JED Team to unpublish it, but... (added by edo888)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We are working on your dreams!

We, developers of Jumi custom code extensions for Joomla, wish you, Jumi users, the very best in the coming year.

We will do our best for your Jumi dreams come true.

Make us acquainted with them in Jumi support forum or by e-mail.

Let us allow to submit you the 2008 "balance" sheet.

The 2008 year was in the name of Joomla! 1.5 platform expansion definitely. Although we publish the first Jumi extension for Joomla! 1.5 in October 2007 it was only at the end of 2008 when downloads of Jumi extensions for Joomla! 1.5 overtook those for Joomla! 1.0, those that were introduced in 2006. At these days the situation of total Jumi downloads is as follows: 70.000:70.000 (for J!1.5 and J!1.0).

The situation in Joomla! community has change substantially too: the number of community members has roughly doubled and the number of extensions has tripled in 2008. In 2006 there were just two or three custom code extensions in JED now you can find almost fifty of them there. And these are really very good extensions. All of these changes have made us to continue with increasing effort to keep up with the best ones.

During 2008 we introduced 6 upgrades of various Jumi extensions.

The current status of Jumi extensions is as follows:
for Joomla! 1.0 there is a module and a plugin, for Joomla! 1.5 there is a module, a plugin, a component.

The developers team doubles in 2008 too. On 2008/08/08 Edvard Ananyan and Martin Hájek joined their custom code extensions for Joomla! and decided to market them under common Jumi name. By the way: Jumi was born on 2006/08/08 and joining occurred on 2008/08/08. Nice coincidence, isn't it? Edvard is keeping Jumi Tips and Tricks at his site while I am maintaining Downloads and Guides. The user support is provided by both of us.

Jumi is alive product. It breaths with users needs and ideas. We welcome them and trying to implement them into Jumi. There were some 800+ posts in Joomla! support thread and more 100 direct mail requirements from Jumi users. From all of these posts it is obvious that Jumi is used for a huge range of problems solving and tasks. Not all problems were solved and not all users, I estimate some seven, were not able to make Jumi run. But the majority is, as we are persuaded, quite satisfied: there are 119 votes and 61 reviews in JED, mostly positive ones and Jumi belongs to the most favoured Joomla! extensions for a very long time.

That's all.

It remains only to wish you the very best in the coming 2009 year.
And let all your (Jumi) dreams come true!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Near future?

We released the next generation Jumi custom codes extensions for Joomla! 1.5 last week. But what's next? It is the end of Jumi jurney? Absolutely no!

We are on "... continuing mission to explore strange new codes, new hacks and new utilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before."

In the near future you can expect:
  • the new breathtaking Jumi plugin feature,
  • Jumi the next generation availability for Joomla! 1.0.
So stay connected and look forward to the future!
Our common future!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Expandable Multibox without problems

You surely know these kinds of boxes: after clicking on a link or a thumbnail an expandable box with some eye catching content is shown above your page.

Joomla! 1.5 comes with mootools 1.11 javascript library. Joomla! even has modal.js as a default expandable box. It is de facto Squeezbox ver 1.0 for mootools 1.1. In this version it is too simple for my taste: it displays - if I remember well - only images. I want more... Multibox can do more:
• images (jpg, gif, png),
• flash (swf),
• video (flv, mov, wmv, rv, rm, rvb),
• mp3,
• html as well as single Joomla! articles and
• iframe.
And you can easily create whole Multibox galleries as well.

Uncompressed Multibox is some 22kB that is twice big as built in modal.js is. After compression with very useful yuicompressor you will get 17kB. Not bad with respect to what you can do with it. And you can get rid of many many specialized Joomla! extensions.

How to include Multibox into your pages?

It is terribly simple.

If you intend to use Multibox intensively then the best way is to include it into your template. From developers pages and example page you will easily learn that you will have to: A) inject some js and css files into the Joomla! <head> section, B) initialize object (again into the <head>) by a javascript and C) use it.

If you intend to use Multibox only from time to time it is better to include necessary js and css files only when they are needed in an article or module. With Jumi.

A + B: Initialization
Write initialization/injection scipt that makes use of Joomla! 1.5 $document object and its methods:
global $mainframe;
$document = &JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addStyleSheet( …); // for multibox.css
$document->addScript(…); //for multibox.js
$document->addCustomTag($script); // for object initialization script – see Multibox developer pages. And do not be afraid: for example my object init script contains 2 lines only:
var box = {};
window.addEvent('domready', function(){box = new MultiBox(' yourboxname ', descClassName: 'multiBoxDesc'});});

Documentation + examples can be found here The whole php script that uses Jumi represents some 15 lines of code. It is easy, isn't it?

C: Usage
Just make a standard link with <a href= “” class=”yourboxname”>xxx</a> when you want it to be shown in Multibox.

What is fine you can view individual Joomla! articles in Multibox too: instead of referencing an article by
reference it by

The articles content may lay too close to Multibox boundaries. Then substitute in multibox.js lines 431 and 432 (for Multibox version 1.3.1)
width: this.contentObj.width,
height: this.contentObj.height,
by (10 - for example)
width: this.contentObj.width-10,
height: this.contentObj.height-10,

That’s all. As I said it is terribly simple.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tabs in Joomla! anywhere and easily

Web 2 comes with extensive use of javasript technologies. They make web more eye catching, more clearly organized and, in some cases, even faster.

One of these technologies brings the possibility to present information in the so called tabs. There are a lot of javascript libraries offering it. It is natural to use effects that are built in Joomla! In Joomla! 1.5 there is implemented mootools javasript library.

There are many implementation of “motools tabs” (just search in Google). There are many Joomla! extensions, plugins and modules, that uses them. You do not need these specialized extensions. Jumi can do that too. Can insert tabs in Joomla anywhere. And it is really simple.

Let’s take for example SimpleTabs implementation.

To use SimpleTabs you have to: A) inject some js and css code (SimpleTabs.js, SimpleTabs.css) into the <head> Joomla! section, B) initialize object (again into the <head>) by a javascript and C) use it.

A + B: The code.
Make use of Joomla! 1.5 document object and its methods:

global $mainframe;
$document = &JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addStyleSheet( …); // for SimpleTabs.css
$document->addScript(…); //for SimpleTabs.js
$document->addCustomTag(...); // for initialization script – see SimpleTabs developer pages.

Documentation to document object with examples can be found here. The whole php script implementing SimpleTabs into Joomla! represents some 15 lines of uncompressed code. Easy, isn't it? Why to bother about specialized extensions?

C: And usage?
If your entrySelector: 'h3' then write Joomla! content as you always write. Remember only that every h3 tag changes itself into the tab when displayed in Joomla! frontend. For example the whole content of the article can look like this:


<h3>B</h3><p>motools tabs</p>
<h3>C</h3><p>with Jumi</p>

The result depends on your SimpleTabs.css file. It could be like image on the right.

Remark: I am using SimpleTabs with various css layouts on my pages. Choosing which one I do via jumi argument:

Spice your web with Google gadgets

Everybody knows there are thousands of gadgets there. Some of them are nice another are useful.

But how to include them into Joomla! pages?

With Jumi it is easy: you can display them in module positions, in articles or you can dsiplay them in a special gadgets (component) page.

See Edo’s Tip and trick how to do that exactly.

Order, buy and reserve with Jumi

Well, most of us sell something. And majority of us, Joomla! people, through our webs.

If we are selling products in huge amounts we can make use of specialized components like Virtuemart. If we are selling services in “tons” we can make use of Freeway solution.

But many of us sell only several items of our products or services per month. I do not think it is effective to implement huge and sophisticated solution like those mentioned above in this case. Simple, reliable and elegant solution will suffice. It can be done with Jumi.

An individual Joomla! article can be devoted to an individual item. We can describe the product or service characteristics, its prize and virtually anything we want here. With Jumi plugin we then add to the article an intelligent form which final purpose is to display an order/buy/reserve button. The form sends via method post at the least an article id ($at the least) to the url, where Jumi component application (XYZ) waits for its input. Like this:

defined('_JEXEC') OR die( "Direct Access Is Not Allowed" );
$html .= "<form action=‘index.php?option=com_jumi&fileid=XYZ method='post' name='ORD$article->id'>";
$html .= "<input type='hidden' name='product_id' value='$article->id' />";
$html .= "<input value='Order' class='button' type='submit' />";
$html .= "</form></div>";
echo $html;

That means the component application knows the product ordered ($article->id is stored in $_POST[product_id] global variable) and can continue in the ordering process (e.g. display the article name ($article->title), introtext or the whole text, display a form for picking up personal data, etc, etc).

At the end the order can be stored in the database table and/or send by e-mail for further human processing.

Simple, reliable, elegant. With Jumi.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

3rd parties advertisements

There are a lot of global and local providers offering ads to be displayed at your web pages. Either as a paid or as an exchange service. You know them well: Google, AdBrite, Amazon, …, to name the few.

They provide you with some scripts. The problem is how to include such a script into Joomla! page?

Normally you will need one extension per one provider. Jumi covers them all. With Jumi it’s quite easy to include virtually any add (javascript, html, video, flash, images… ) from any provider into Joomla! pages. Even a beginner can make it.

First decide where you want ads to be displayed: module position, article or a special page with one advertisement or full of ads? For this purpose choose Jumi module, plugin or component respectively.

See Edo’s Tip and trick Google example how to do that exactly. Once you understand the idea you will be able to process any ad from any provider.

We will put Jumi on the Moon

Edo (Edvard) and me (Martin) agreed on 2008-08-08 we will join several of our opensource codes, some of our resources and effort for mutual benefit and for the benefit of Joomla! users.

We will be developing, offering and supporting custom code Joomla! extensions under the brand name Jumi.

What are these extensions for?

Generally speaking: they enable to insert custom codes like html, php, js, css into Joomla! pages. That means into Joomla! articles, module positions and into specially created pages – components.

At this time we have wide range of such extensions available: module and plugin for Joomla 1.0.x and module, plugin and component for Jooma! 1.5.x. Although they can be used independently of each other they can collaborate. We will strive for their better integration and cooperation in the near future. Stay connected!

In this blog you will find concrete problems and indications how to solve them with Jumi. Some of them are explained in more detail in Edo’s Tips and tricks, some useful snippets (or Jumi applications) can be even downloaded there too.

We hope you will not only enjoy Jumi but also that Jumi will bring you eyes, information and users catching storm to your Joomla! pages.

Hello Jumi

This component includes custom scripts (html, php, js, css, ...) into Joomla! pages.
Collaboration between multiple Joomla! pages and other Jumi extensions is easy.
For Jumi downloads and guides visit
For Jumi demos, tips and tricks visit
Last updated: 28 Jan, 2025 08:09
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